As 2022 comes to a close, I would like to encourage you to spend some time reflecting back on the year. What was good, bad, hard, or monumental that you experienced? Was this year one of growth or healing? Was this a year filled with lots of pain and loss? Whatever the case may be I ask that you sit for a moment and remember all this year brought you. All that passed you by. All the things that didn’t happen. I ask that you try to feel any emotions that come up as you continue to think. Just sit there. Regardless of what may have happened, you survived, you’re here. You are reading this article, living, breathing, and you have blood pumping through your veins. That is such a gift. Would gratitude be on your mind as we go through December, the month of endings? However, with one year coming to a close, there is another just about to begin. Would this fill us with anticipation, excitement, and hope?

Here at SafeHouse we are reflecting on all the clients we got to meet. The ones who stayed with us for months and the ones who just stopped by. We think about the clients who received help and hope for the first time in years and the ones who have been on this long journey of healing for years (Check out our blogs “What it’s like finding SafeHouse Shelter” and “What a survivor wishes you knew about domestic violence). The clients who shared parts of their story and family with us and the ones who became family. We think about our growth, new staff, and our programs we have. We think about the generous donations people have made and the support we received at our events, such as the SafeHouse Strong 5k (check out our blog “Proof of Impact”). This year has definitely been an impactful one.

While we may have much to celebrate and be grateful for, we understand it is not as easy for others especially if they are currently seeking safety from abuse or are still experiencing violence. If you see yourself falling on the grateful side of the balance beam I ask that you share that gratefulness and joy with others. Whether that be telling your loved ones how much they mean to you, or going the extra mile to help a friend in need.

If you would like to go the extra mile in spreading joy this month, consider becoming a volunteer or donating to our organization. We appreciate all the help we can get and cannot do this work without support from the community. Many incidents of domestic and sexual violence increase this time of the year (check out our blog “Holidays without cheer”). This is why there is no time like the present, if you have been thinking about getting involved in a non-profit like ours.

If you have any questions on how to get involved, receive trainings, or donate please email me at If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or sexual violence, call our 24/7 crisis line at (205) 669-7233.